Cyber Studio Solutions

Jr Business Analyst

If you enjoy evaluating and analysing software, creating digital solutions, communicating with a variety of people and have a good grasp of information technology, keeping track of business requirements of various organizations, keep records at strategic meetings, understand key action points during meetings. A career as a business analyst could be for you.

As a business analyst, you’ll work within an organisation, helping to manage change and plan for the future in line with company goals. This could be for one specific project, or as a permanent feature of the organisation. You’ll need to understand the current organisational situation, identify future needs and create solutions to help meet those needs, in relation to information and software systems, you will also need to follow up and make sure all is in order and on track as expected and directed.

You’ll need to demonstrate excellent understanding of the way the organisation works and the sector it operates in, as you will be helping the organisation to develop its functions, services and products to meet goals with internal and external stakeholders.

You will also play a key role in communicating between internal departments and external parties, acting as a ‘translator’ where necessary to incorporate how information technology can support the organisation’s needs.

Our business analysts can pursue careers as a/an

  • Solutions architect;
    Software/business systems analyst;
    Enterprise analyst;
    Management consultant;
    Process analyst;
    Product manager;
    Product owner;
    Requirements engineer;
    Systems analyst;

As a Junior business analyst, you will need to::

  • Communicate with internal colleagues to understand the needs of departments and the organization as a whole;
  • Work with external stakeholders to understand and investigate feedback into the service/function/product provided;
  • Use data organising practices to analyse your findings and create suggestions for strategic and operational improvements and changes;
  • Consider the opportunities and potential risks attached to the suggestions you have made;
  • Identify the processes and information technology required to introduce your recommendations;
  • Gain agreement, usually from senior management, of the best method of introducing your recommendations to the business;
  • Communicate the benefits of your recommendations across departments and help to address any uncertainty and concern;
  • Produce written documentation to support your work, report on your findings and to present to stakeholders when necessary;
  • Support the staff and teams in making the recommended changes, including helping to resolve any issues;
  • Ensure plans are made and processes are created to evaluate the impact of the changes made,
  • Including taking responsibility for overseeing and reporting on this evaluation.


Upload Your CV

A CV detailing your experience, goals qualifications and technical skills but is important for us to shortlist you to be called into an interview at our office premises.


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