Cyber Studio Solutions


When trying to ascertain the right agency for Web development, Email Marketing Sri Lanka, Web design, eCommerce or Digital marketing in Colombo,Sri Lanka,It is important to find a partner who will customize their solution, which will allow you to achieve the highest return on your investment.

Email Marketing

Email marketing has been an essential marketing toolkit since the general public started getting email addresses in the 1990’s.

Email marketing is currently seeing a huge resurgence in popularity, and the average open rate for email campaigns in Sri Lanka is at a record high of 21.3%. It’s fast, it’s cheap, and it’s highly effective – in short, it’s hard to see why you wouldn’t want to do it.

The average return on investment for email marketing in Sri Lanka is 300%.

Cyber Studio’s email marketing service is run by seasoned email experts. We know what works and we know that the old way of doing email is dead. The mass mailings sent out to your entire subscriber list indiscriminately. The overly persistent messaging that overwhelms your customers and ends up labelled as spam. The messages that sound great to marketers, but offer nothing to your customers.

In its place is the new breed of email that cuts through the clutter with highly targeted, personalised content that engages your audience and keeps them opening again and again. This breed of email generates tangible, trackable results for businesses, but not everyone has the skills or resource to get these results in-house.

That’s what Cyber Studio do.

Lists / Subscribers

A direct marketing campaign is nothing without a well-maintained list of opted-in contacts to send to. If you already have customer contact details, add these into your email service provider. If you need to build your subscriber list up, there are a wealth of ways to do it – Cyber Studio can help with this.

One thing we don’t do is supply email marketing data. We believe that the campaigns that are the most effective are those that are sent to people who are already interested in your brand. That means sending to a list of people who have actively chosen to hear from you.

Don’t have that data? Don’t worry. We’re experts at lead generation, meaning we can help you to build a database of contacts that will respond positively to your marketing campaigns. Not only will this make your email marketing more effective, but it will help you keep your database GDPR and compliant ahead of the legislation change in 2018.


Custom Email Templates

The Cyber Studio Media design team can create effective, eye-catching email templates that are perfect for your business. Our designs are on-brand and influenced by industry research to help you get the best results from your email campaigns. Whatever your email dream, we’ll work with you to turn it into a reality. Once we’ve got your email template design sorted, our developers can build it into a versatile, editable email template that you can use with your preferred email service provider.

Email Content

The secret to a successful email strategy lies in interesting, persuasive copy that speaks directly to the customer. From subject lines to calls to action, our content team draw on years of direct marketing expertise to craft a message that gets your customers to act.

Sending & Management

Bulk email marketing campaigns rely on a host of tricks and tips to achieve the best results. Whether it’s contact list segmentation, managing subscription preferences or staggering sends for maximum effect, our specialists know how to get the best out of bulk email.


Which subject line works better? Which call to action produces the best results? Which colour scheme yields the most conversions? We can answer all these questions for you with multivariate testing, ensuring your campaigns keep getting better and better.


At Cyber Studio, we’re driven by results, so we’ll dive into the analysis to let you know exactly what worked, what didn’t, and how much revenue each send generated. Expect thorough, accurate reporting that gives you all the insights your business needs.


Web Development (PHP,
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Database Development

Responsive web development

CRM Solutions

Email marketing

Data Analytics

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Social media marketing

Database Marketing

eCommerce Website Development

Online Video Marketing


for Corporate Digital Transformation

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